pick and drop sponges
RoboGrads Hackathon 2021 Winner.
The robot we used is the New Robotic Arm Kit for Arduino by Adeept. You can find more information about the robot and some starting code here: https://www.adeept.com/learn/detail-31.html
Robot and Competition Set up:
Instructions on how to assemble the robot are given in pdf from the adeept link above. A video is also available here. As a note, when assembling the robot take note of the servo positions to optimize your grasping capabilities. These servos are 180° and not 360°.
All scrub foam objects are to be placed on a standard letter paper size, (8.5 inches by 11 inches) The objects can be placed at random or however you see fit such that each object touches the paper at the start. We were allowed to tape the paper down if needed. The box that the robot comes in (show above), will be used as the container for grabbed objects. The placement and orientation of the paper, box and robot is up to each team. The box and paper must stay on the same plane. QR markers, colored tags and coloring the objects are allowed. External webcams and other cameras are also allowed. If you are unsure about some addition, feel free to ask.
Scoring: The goal of the competition is to move as many objects as possible from the paper to the box within 7mins. Each team can choose between a completely autonomous approach or a teleoperated approach. The scoring for the competition will be as follows:
Autonomous +9 per object in box
Teleop (primarily not using adeept code base) +3 per object in box
Teleop (using adeept code base) +1 per object in box
Bonus task! Up to +5 points for a free form project demo. (see recording and final presentation)
Result: We (Team Weather Report) won the first place! Enjoy the attached video.